This is Kerry Henderson, my MinkHusband. Not only is he gorgeous, but he is also the rock that motivates me to keep going even when times are tough, and I’m not sure of myself. His unwavering love and support inspire me to stay in the game, no matter the challenges we face.
Kerry has a unique way of tackling every obstacle with a mix of humor and joy. He makes me laugh, even in the darkest moments, and that laughter is a precious gift. His ability to bring lightness into our lives is just one of the many reasons I adore him.
One of Kerry's standout qualities is his charisma. He networks like no other, effortlessly connecting with people and building relationships. In fact, we met while networking, which feels incredibly fitting for his combination of style and substance. Watching him in action is always a learning experience for me, as he navigates social landscapes with grace and ease.